THE BRUVS CATCH UP WITH THEIR OLD DAD – in a continuation of the story started in PARACHUTE. We advise watching PARACHUTE first… then coming back here to WHEELCHAIR. As he recovers from that last adventure, Doug n Den …
THE BRUVS CATCH UP WITH THEIR OLD DAD – in a continuation of the story started in PARACHUTE. We advise watching PARACHUTE first… then coming back here to WHEELCHAIR. As he recovers from that last adventure, Doug n Den …
THE BRUVS ENTER A MUSICAL WORLD – but they’re not suddenly into show tunes! Meet The Bruvs is a musical extravaganza that handily introduces the world of TheBruvs – their past of crime and their future of trying to …
THE BRUVS PROVE PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE – BUT not necessarily for them. A visit to the High Street proves costly for one financial institution. However, this is no Daylight Robbery. The Bruvs mean well. Things just don’t quite go …
Something seems to have made TheBruvs a bit angry… The baseball bat is swinging again. But why?
All will be revealed soon…
…THE BRUVS go all arty farty in the pursuit of culture. They head to an Art Gallery and offer their very special interpretation of the works on show. They may be no oil paintings themselves but when it comes to …
THE BRUVS face their dark side. But this is no science fiction. For The Bruvs the future is not all that bright. But it is a bit orange. Chanterelle has had a disaster that puts paid to a nice night …
THE BRUVS go all potty mouth as they insist on keeping up standards in the family. They have to teach someone a lesson – and where better to go than their old lock-up where, over the years, they have had …
THE BRUVS prove blood is thicker as they visit their new dentist for the first time. And they reveal their unique answer to the pain of the dentist’s needle…which involves a baseball bat. There will be blood.
THE BRUVS take to the air to give their old dad a very special birthday treat. But they manage to combine a bit of business with it too. And save some money in the process. So things can only go …