Hey – we really do not want to be seen as blowing our own trumpet (or any other instrument for that matter) but sometimes, just sometimes, when people take the time to say Nice Things about your work it’s nice …
Hey – we really do not want to be seen as blowing our own trumpet (or any other instrument for that matter) but sometimes, just sometimes, when people take the time to say Nice Things about your work it’s nice …
MASSIVE NEWS !! – Well, Massive for us. So, quite big in real terms.. But we are massively excited about it. After some most enjoyable technical issues – we love tech things here at TheBruvs… they always go so smoothly… …
Hello – You know how we said there was a load of stuff coming your way from us VERY SOON? Well, Very Soon is HERE Right Now …
We were promising you a bumper crop of NEW and EXCITING things …
Even those lugheads TheBruvs get a bit gooey-eyed at this time of year.. even they look back at the year gone by through rose-tinted specs. Well, not exactly rose-tinted.. more blood-smeared.. But you get the drift.. It is a time …
Although Facebook and other places are already looking BACK on 2018, we’ll be having a proper Review of 2018 in a few weeks as proper New Year approaches.
Right now, we wanted to say a seasonal Thank you to all …
Yes – we know Thanksgiving is an American thing.. but it is creeping over to these shores as the internet connects us all evermore.. somewhat like Hallowe’en’s Trick or Treat – or Brick or Treat as TheBruvs would haveĀ it.…
HO HO HO … Yes .. no sooner than the fireworks fizzle out.. Although some are still bursting round here as this is written.. than the gun is fired on CHRISTMAS. Say it quietly. Not everyone is filled with festive …
Hello All – the blazing summer is becoming a memory as we embrace Autumn and gaze towards the rush of Hallowe’en, Bonfire Night.. Thanksgiving for some, Christmas, the sales and many other events in between. So, new Season… new Stuff …
See what we did there? – Basically we think – and who would not agree – that TheBruvs T shirts and Mugs would make a lovely Christmas gift idea for anyone who is remotely linked as a brother, brother-in-law, bruv, …