January is flying by … and 2018 is off to a flyer for TheBruvs too… with much to celebrate and raise a little glass to. As we hinted in our last post, we have put up two very special LONGER episodes for you to enjoy. We hope you do. Imaginatively called Special 1 and Special 2, the idea is to give the feel of what TheBruvs would look like in more of a sitcom format.. more like those US juggernauts Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad and so on.
We’re not comparing ourselves to them.. although others have called us a cross between EastEnders and Family Guy. But our long term aim is to develop longer and longer episodes and to let the characters and the comedy grow with them. Not many!
Our all-new episode Road Hump is also well into production and will be coming pretty soon.
AND our quest for publicity goes on.. with some exciting success already in 2018. We had some lovely write-ups just before Christmas in the US publication Script Magazine and here in FromPage2Screen and RoadRash.. Thanks to all who interviewed us for those.
Coming soon will be some more top write-ups and even reviews (no pressure) in another US magazine, a student newspaper … and we’re also set to be doing some very exciting radio interviews. Live. On the radio. Live. – We must behave. No swearing. All that along with our regular monthly appearances on BBC Essex.
More details on all of that nearer the time… and all over our social media on facebook, twitter and Instagram. – Follow and Like us on all of them to stay in touch with the very latest from TheBruvs – news, goss and behind the scenes stuff – as well as regular gags, funnies and jokes.
ALSO – PLEASE … Give us a SUB at our Youtube channel. We need more subs and only you can do that. It’s free and it means you’ll never miss out on our new episodes. Please give our channel a visit, find the RED button and give it a click. If you have a channel too, we will sub back.
As ever – massive thanks to all of you for all the support you give us. We are most grateful always.
Please keep spreading the word. Keep Liking, sharing, RT-ing and subbing. Thank you.
More news soon –