Bleedin’ nora .. It’s October already.. One thing you can say about a pandemic and lockdowns.. It makes the years go by.
Any road up – as we started to emerge from all that in the UK, mostly, it all seems to have kicked off in other ways… Everyone has a cold (cos we haven’t had any for a while thanks to masks and not snogging) and then there’s a shortage of lorry drivers and then there is a PETROL CRISIS…
And already it’s time, apparently, for Christmas ads on the telly.. it’s not been Hallowe’en or Bonfire Night or nothing yet…
However, despite the drivers and petrol thing – and the early start for Xmas.. we are pleased to report that fortunately, so far, there is no BRICK SHORTAGE / PANIC BUYING OF BRICKS .. to hinder the enjoyment of our traditional BRICK OR TREAT this coming Hallowe’en. We love a bit of Brick or Treat – sort of Trick or Treat but with more menace..
So, we wish you all the very best of the season – whatever you are making of it… and here is a little Treat of the Brick or Treat variety… Keep safe you lot… We insist!