As we repeatedly say.. TheBruvs love a write-up.. in our ever constant quest to spread the word about us and to get more of you interested in us and our little funny films. Not many!

So, we have been highly delighted recently to get write-ups in The Sunday Times Culture section. Yes. CULTURE section. We know. We know. AND in The Daily Mail TV supplement – Weekend Magazine.

All said articles are brief but much appreciated. They follow our landing earlier this year on the Dave channel and the UKTV catch-up/ Video On Demand service UKTVplay. You can find 11 of our episodes there – with all new films exclusive to our Youtube channel and here at our website –

The most recent Press has seen us described as “Best On Catch-Up” and deserving space to grow. We could not ask for more. Apart from more articles and longer pieces.

We have lots to say and lots to talk about – with lots of plans for the future.

So, anyone who fancies interviewing us for a paper, magazine, online, blog, radio or TV show, podcast or whatever.. we are here. And we are here to talk. Please do make contact.

Add all that to our very enjoyable interviews on TV’s London Live and on BBC Radio London and BBC Essex and it has been a great time for publicity. But we always look for more.

Thank you as ever to all our supporters and all those who help us do what we do.

More soon. Not many!