Yes. See what we did there… Scarily…Halloween? But it is a bit scary, actually. We are managing to get ourselves into more and more publications… magazines and blogs and the like – all over the world. Very exciting – and pleasing – to get word out about TheBruvs. That seems to be our main weapon at the moment – trying to reach more and more – indeed, as many people as we can.
Thanks to all who support and help us with this – with the Likes, Shares, RTs and Follows.. Even the Subs – and even paying for stuff like our T shirts and Mugs in our range of Merchandise stuff.
So, we have been interviewed, sent questionnaires and have been sending out press releases galore. Busy times indeed. AND all the while – our new stuff is coming along nicely.
Thanks to our music gents Stig Winslet and Pete Harbour we now have a great Halloween song called Brick or Treat. It had a little play on BBC Essex the other day. Thanks to them. Work has started on a film to go with the song. But it might be a little way off. Meanwhile, our next new film is well under way… It will be about how TheBruvs react to the increase in speed bumps or road humps in their area. As you can imagine, they don’t take too kindly to such things.
As well as mags and the like, as we say, BBC Essex keep having us on – which is nice. AND we are due back on BBC Radio London VERY SOON with Nikki Bedi.
Part of that chat will be about how we are entered into the Romford Film Festival… which is also coming up very soon.
Did we say busy? Did we say Scary? It certainly is. Not many!
More details about the Romford Film Festival, our spots on radio and all our interviews and such like as they get closer and occur. Keep checking in with us here, on twitter and on facebook, google+ and tumblr for all latest developments, news, updates and behind the scenes stuff.
MORE SOON – and our new film soon!
Thank you all as always. We cannot express how grateful we are for all you are helping us to do and achieve. A long way to go. BUT thanks for joining us on the ride.