NO! We have not been slacking at TheBruvs – it is busy times here. And it seems to be paying off.
As you know, we are still operating on a teeny budget and our tiny team has to break off every now and then and do what we might call Day Jobs. You know – actual paid work. Bills is bills. That does delay things sometimes.
BUT – we can tell you that our NEW film is nearly ready. Very nearly ready in fact. Most exciting. Also our most ambitious. It might be fairly short but it has the most scenes and set ups we have ever tackled. It takes TheBruvs to another level of production showing just what we can do with these cartoons and these characters. Of course, we would say that, wouldn’t we? Yes we would. But we believe it. And we don’t say such stuff lightly.
Also – we are still spreading the word on TheBruvs and some exciting new publicity stuff is coming very soon too. We’re back with the rather nice Tony Fisher on BBC Essex again AND we’re on with broadcaster, comedian, podder Ian Boldsworth on uncensored Fubar Radio as well. Yes. Uncensored. What could possibly go wrong?
We’ll be posting all the links, reports and updates as they occur.
Please remember, IF you want to chat with us about TheBruvs or our other TV, commercial, film work – we love to chat … as long as we can say TheBruvs several times during the course of the chit chat. We are open to magazine and paper interviews, blogs, vlogs, podcasts and any manner of interview or profile piece. Just let us know. Please.
Our numbers continue to rise on youtube, our official Dave channel page Likes, our facebook page Likes, twitter followers, insta followers and more. Please do keep sharing, liking and commenting on our stuff. Please also keep helping us to increase our numbers even more. We are always after subscribers to our youtube channel and LIKES on all our pages and sites.
Thank you as ever for all the support you give us. We could not do this without your positive response.
More from us very soon.
Enjoy!! – TheBruvs