Hello – We hope you’re all keeping safe and taking care as some locations and some workplaces start to ease lockdown.

As you know, we had a big think – big for us.. about carrying on through the lockdown period. Could we even make it work? Well, we did and we did.

And YOUR response has been wonderful. We hope we have brought some laughs your way. That was the aim. Spirit lifting, we hope.

The response to our Lockdown Blues song AND animated music video has been great. Loads of views, lovely feedback. We are most grateful – as ever.

AND we’ve made the headlines with it all.. With various places picking up on us working remotely to keep making stuff.

The latest articles are in the great BLAZING MINDS and OCCHI MAGAZINE. Thanks to all the folks there who picked up on our efforts and ran pieces. We are chuffed.

Massive thanks to them and all who support  us. AND we are spoiling you… OUR next film is ready too.. In an initiative that has baffled all experts, The Bruvs have formed the BRUVS OFFICE OF GENERAL INFORMATION (BOGI) and are making a series of mainly useless advice fims for the general public. More on that VERY SOON….

AND our next cartoon caper is also well into production. We are not being idle.

Keep watching, sharing, liking, RTing, Subscribing and telling others all about The Bruvs.. Just like the Press…

Til next time… You can check out those articles here :



Cartoon Rogues ‘The Bruvs’ Show How Animation is Beating The Lockdown