Hello – Welcome to another update from us. We hope your personal news is a little brighter as these difficult and strange times continue.
Our new song and new music video are both up on our Soundcloud and our Youtube channel – and the reception has been great. Thank you all. Please do get stuck in if you haven’t already. Listen, watch, share, RT, Like, Follow and Subscribe. Generally spread the word. Where else might you find an old man taking on coronavirus with a shotgun? It’s not quite Colonel Tom Moore but The Bruvs do have their own way of doing things.
Word of our escapades has reached quite a way already.. including America. We’ve made headlines on the rather impressive ANIMATION WORLD NETWORK site and all across their social media. And a nice write-up too.
In interviews we often talk about how we’re trying to take on the mighty juggernauts of U.S. animation like The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Rick and Morty, Bojack, Bob’s Burgers… the list goes on. Of course, we’re not anywhere near that level. We’re a tiny set-up with tiny budgets, if any at all.
So, it’s doubly nice to get a write up alongside those sort of shows with their massive teams and clout.
We are, of course, always looking for write-ups and any publicity. We’re up for interviews, guests spots, features, questions.. whatever from Magazines, Websites, Fan sites, Podcasts, Newspapers, Blogs, Vlogs, Radio… Get in touch. We have lots to talk about .. Our new film and song – PLUS TWO MORE NEW FILMS about to drop soon.. and another film in pre-production. (That’s a fancy way of saying we had an idea).
Do make contact and let’s set something up to help you make new content.
Thank you again for the support for our latest projects. More new stuff is imminent.
Til next time .. here’s our headline role in AWN : https://www.awn.com/news/watch-bruvs-lockdown-blues-music-video