Hello –
You know how a very short while ago we said we were not being idle? More proof is here if it were needed.
We hope you continue to keep safe and are taking care through the lockdown easing measures.
All the guidelines and some confusion made The Bruvs think. A rare enough occasion in itself… But think they did.. And they came up with a BIG idea… Doug and Den Bruv have launched B.O.G.I. – The Bruvs Office of General Information.
As you might imagine, BOGI is all unofficial, not sanctioned by any authority and, as it turns out, probably offers almost entirely useless advice.
However, The Bruvs are not ones to be deterred. They have made their first Guidance film .. About the Wearing of Masks.. Of course, The Bruvs have some extensive experience of mask wearing in their, er, line of work. So to speak.
It’s the first in a planned series of advice films featuring your favourite Bruvs characters. What could possibly go wrong? Well, weeks in lockdown and self-isolation in the same house has not helped to nurture a calmer outlook in The Bruvs. Niggles arise.
We’re very excited about the prospects for these guidance films. Who knows, a Government department or even the World Health Organisation might see some benefit in them. It’s unlikely though. But you never know in these strange and testing times.
As ever, we hope you like the new film … Another stand-alone animation featuring The Bruvs breaking out of lockdown is also on the way.. All the more reason to catch up with old episodes, Share, RT, Like, Follow and Subscribe to our Youtube channel and other social media. And, please – tell others all about the joys of The Bruvs.
Do please follow proper guidelines … Take care and keep safe…
In the meantime, here is our new film from BOGI :