Hellooo – We hope you and your loved ones are still doing OK – and that you are coping with the crisis. Things are going to stay far from normal for a while yet, it seems.

All the more reason for us to keep saying a BIG Thank you to all of you for finding the time and making the effort to support The Bruvs as you do.. In fact we have seen quite a surge in Subscribers and views on our youtube channel, more Likes and Followers to our Facebook page and more support on our insta.

We’re thrilled that our song and music video for Lockdown Blues are proving popular .. and people are even bothering with our first advice film from The Bruvs Office of General Information (BOGI).

The next BOGI film is well under way .. and our all-new stand-alone film is also near completion. We think it’s a cracker. We cannot wait to share it with you.

We’ve also been doing our version of admin.. Updating our Wear It Share It posers wall.. and it looks amazing.. So many of you sending us pictures of you in our T shirts, caps or with our mugs or other gear.. We doff our rather attractive logoed caps in your general direction. Each item bought helps to support us – all indie Brit comedy animation. www.thebruvs.com/shop

We’ve also been updating our presence on the rather amazing British Comedy Guide website… So it’s now showing all our films, our soundcloud site and much more. We’re delighted and proud to be featured on the site.

You can link through to all our films and other comedy via the site too. Thanks to the folks over there. It makes us almost seem above board and official and stuff.

So, as ever, we thank you all. We wish you all well – Keep safe and take care.

Please keep supporting and telling others about The Bruvs and keep Sharing, RT-ing, Liking, Subscribing, Viewing, Commenting and – we hope – laughing…

Until next time …

You can find out about us and find our films and music and audio comedy at the British Comedy Guide here : https://www.comedy.co.uk/online/the_bruvs/