Major things for the diary in the next week… Clocks go BACK in the UK on Saturday night AND next week sees that ever-growing celebration.. Hallowe’en. Not many!

Hello ALL – and as ever a Massive Thanks to everyone for continuing to support TheBruvs in all the various ways.. Liking, Sharing, Watching, Subscribing, Listening, Commenting, Posing, RT-ing and just spreading the word. We are most grateful.

We are busy beavers at TeamBruvs… animations are as ever under way and we are editing some new sketch comedy podcasts featuring all your favourite Bruvs’ characters – and some new ones too. All will be posted as soon as we are ready.

In the meantime… put those clocks back on Saturday night.. we have a little Meme for you on that which you will be seeing… AND – HAPPY HALLOWE’EN.. if that’s the right phrase at this spoooooooky, scary time of year…

This Hallowe’en thing has grown and grown hasn’t it? And of course, TheBruvs are well into it. It’s the only time of year that going round Demanding Stuff with Menaces is actually legal – and even encouraged.

Our very clever Music department – don’t tell them we said that – have created a rather wonderful, super-catchy, ear worm of a tune to mark the way that Doug, Den and little Jason make the most of Hallowe’en.. It’s not just Trick or Treating for them. Oh no. They have come up with BRICK OR TREAT.

Knock knock.. or Ding Dong… Give us some nice stuff.. or you get a brick through yer window for yer troubles. How nice!

They can’t wait to spread Hallowe’en cheer round their new neighbourhood.

The song is up now on our soundcloud site along with all our other music and songs and our short, sketch comedy Podcasts starring Doug, Den, Jason and sister Janice so far… More characters to come soon.

Do check out our soundcloud site and spread the word on that too. Please. Go on. And thank you again for all the support you give us…  Until next time…

Here is that rather wonderful Hallowe’en song : BRICK OR TREAT: ENJOY! –  TheBruvs