HELLO – to all of you from all of us at TheBruvs… Firstly we hope, by now, you all know that when we go a little bit quiet it’s not that we don’t care and have feelings for you all any more.. it just means that we are a bit busy on something. In this instance busy on something most exciting for us…

We have completed our very first performance and appearance by TheBruvs’ sister Janice… You’ve probably seenĀ  her image here and there on Mothering Sunday – when her son Jason gets his MUM tattoo.. and we’ve used other images of her too. BUT this is her DEBUT in a sketch comedy thing .. and it is really great to bring another character to life.

We wrote a while ago that we are making more of the Podcasts – our little sketch comedy versions of TheBruvs for your ears. And by making these we can bring more content more quickly. We can also bring to life a whole range of new characters. We have wanted to let Janice live for some time… And now she does in the all-new comedy SISTER PACT… In it Janice calls an emergency family meeting and gives her brothers a piece of her mind. They needĀ  it. Sadly, they don’t quite understand and Janice resorts to terms more to their taste.

This is another show we want to turn into an animated film just as soon as we can. But we a rather pleased with it as an audio piece. We hope you’ll agree.

More films and more Podcasts from us soon. As ever, thanks so much for supporting us and please do keep telling others about TheBruvs – and sharing our comedy at our website, on facebook, twitter and insta – and on soundcloud.

Thank you all – Until next time …
