NO – we are not announcing a wedding .. Mind you, that Doug and Chanterelle are getting VERY chummy these days.
No, but we are announcing a NEW THING from TheBruvs … We know we keep you waiting far too long for new cartoons but we hope you all understand that animation is a slow and costly process.. specially when it’s done on a shoestring budget and with limited personnel.
IF we had pots of cash and lots of staff.. We’d be throwing all new cartoons at you all the time. The truth is we can’t but we hope you all understand the journey we are on as we try to grow and get to a position where we can do just that and make what we want when we want. We love having you all along for the ride.
In the meantime… the NEW THING follows our decision to share our Podcasts that sit on our soundcloud site – all links at our website – on our Youtube channel and to ILLUSTRATE the PODCASTS in a way that should give an idea of what they might be like as new animated films.
We have used mixed imagery – even shots of a microphone – to show that this was a Podcast, or an Audio Sketch from us.
The Podcasts we have produced so far will all become full on new films in due course but this is a way to keep adding new material to our channel and to show what we can do and want to do.
So, we hope you will understand they are not full on new films – but they give a hint of what they would look like. AND, of course, we hope you like them.
We’ll be adding more soon.
The first one is ANOTHER RUDE WORD – which is a follow up to our cartoon RUDE WORD.. In which Doug and Den give the most inappropriate vocabulary masterclass to their nephew Jason. The story continues with even more inappropriate word play from the dynamic duo. Potty mouths rule.
So, please do have a look, comment, share and SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel. We are trying to grow all the time.
Thanks as always for all the support.
More from us soon…
Til then – here is the new Film/Illustrated Podcast :