Hard to believe? – The names Bruv and Kardashian in the same breath? First off Doug and Den don’t start their names with a K… Like Kim, Kylie, Kendall, Kris or Kloe… Mind you, The Bruvs are keen on breaking the Internet with their films.. Though they generally break their telly with their sofa when something upsets them.
Not sure if they would strip off and cover themselves in oil or have any surgery to enhance any features… BUT nonetheless, here we have it… the World’s most famous Reality TV family all caught up with those rogues Doug and Den in their latest film on our youtube channel.. FAT LIPS… And not just those Kardashians.. Thrown in for good measure are the good folks of TOWIE (The Only way Is Essex), Geordie Shore and more…
We hope you enjoy it… It’s another of our Illustrated Podcasts using mixed imagery. It was great fun to put together and helps bring the audio to life.
Doug and Den are, unusually, discussing the merits or not of facial enhancement .. Botox, Fillers… Den then confesses to having Lip issues of his own. And then the trouble starts….
Have a watch.. then do please COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE – AND SHARE…
Loads of new stuff on its way from us all over our social media and our youtube channel. So please do get stuck in.. FOLLOW us on Twitter and Instagram, LIKE our Facebook Page – all @TheBruvsTV – and do get into our Youtube channel … All new-look with loads of compilations, “Box Sets” and Mash Ups to enjoy.
As ever, Thank you for all the support you give us… Not least with our new weekly events : WEDNESDAY WINK DAY and THUMBS UP THURSDAY.. Loads of malarkey to get into there.
New full animated cartoon films and new audio sketch podcasts being worked on too…
Check out our latest on our Youtube channel here:
More from us soon….
Til then…. The Bruvs !!