HELLO – Hope you’re keeping your cool. Bit of a heatwave has kicked in round our parts – in every sense.. and it’s a tad clammy in TheBruvs’ HQ. BUT we work on…
And we do it because you are all so marvellous to us… We mean it.
We’re thrilled you’re getting stuck into our midweek bits of fun – WEDNESDAY WINK DAY and THUMBS UP THURSDAY… Some great pics and videos coming in from you. We appreciate it greatly. And we will be using them. If you haven’t already – get stuck in and send us a pose or two…
Of course, we’re working on more new comedy for you .. and you’re working on it in a way too.. We have had some great, well, fan art, we guess come our way. Amazing gifs and images made by you lot. Wonderful. We love them. All of them. We’re using them too… Not many!
AND we have just uploaded another of our Illustrated Podcasts for your enjoyment. Called TOILET TANTRUM it centres round TheBruvs’ bathroom, post one of Den’s apocalyptic chutney downloads, and Doug is raging because Den has borrowed one of his magazine part-works… Who knew that Doug was a collector and liked to make model battleships. Seems he does. It all kicks off in typical style. And we very much hope you like us bringing these sketches to life like this using mixed imagery. They’re fun to do and do help bring an extra something to the comedy.
We will be making full-on cartoons of this material in due course.
And we’ll be doing all new films soon too.
Just another little reminder – cos it’s blimmin’ hot where we are – that we do T shirts with our logo on .. and a range of other apparel. Check out the website shop to see what we can do for you.
And check out our new youtube upload… All about the Do-Do’s and Don’ts of Toilet Reading Etiquette.
Find it here :
Til next time… Enjoy! – The Bruvs