This is getting more and more like the Ferrero Rocher adverts. We are mightily spoiling you. Of course, we hope you got spoiled or you spoiled yourselves over that Valentine’s Day. It’s an odd celebration. A bit like that Love Song for Chanterelle we did. Hope you enjoyed that. It’s riding high on our Youtube channel and our Soundcloud .. Get over and have a listen and a watch.
Sneaking in before Pancake Day we have another new film. YES. Another NEW FILM.. And this time no singing. This time Bruvs Doug and Den are trying out another new establishment in their area .. a coffee shop called Tache. Achingly trendy and packed with hipsters and baristas with remarkable facial stylings, piercings, beards and pony tails.. Naturally, TheBruvs’ best efforts to fit right in don’t go totally according to plan.
We love this new film and we hope you will too. Coffee is BIG business now and flippin pricey round our way. So many choices once you’re in there too these days.
In other news – our Shop Page is very close to completion now. Some great new gear with TheBruvs logos on coming your way very soon.
And we have another sketch comedy podcast on its way too…
See, just like that Ambassador bloke, with all those gold-wrapped chocolates piled up.
Aaaand talking of Ambassadors, a quick apology, as it seems our Least Unattractive Brand Ambassador is being allowed out again. He’s doing the rounds on some radio shows to promote TheBruvs .. including with Jamie East on talkRadio. All very exciting. More news of how that went next time. What could possibly go wrong?
Thanks as ever for all the support. Keep Liking, Commenting and Sharing please.
Til next time… The Bruvs
To see what went all wrong in that coffee shop take a gander here :