We are back and we are back with a great NEW sketch comedy podcast.. BEDTIME STORY. We love this. Lots. Not many!

It’s a cracking episode featuring Doug, Den and their little nephew Jason. As family tradition dictates, TheBruvs are reading their favourite Bedtime Story to Jason. The story their dad read to them. And his dad before.. You get the idea. But this is like no other night time story for children. It’s basically so age inappropriate, it’s NOT for children.

Blood, gore, horror, pain – The Misadventures of Max McHurty has it all…  He’s Max McHurty – see his blood spurty…

We hope you like it as much as we do..  We have great plans for this tale and the book featured in it… WATCH THIS SPACE.

We are super busy on our next animation too – STORM IN A COFFEE CUP. You might imagine what that might involve. We are already laughing at this one ourselves. We hope that’s a good sign.

And our next Podcasts are ready to bring you even more comedy and mayhem from TheBruvs.

Thanks as ever to you all for all the support you give us. Please do keep Liking, Subscribing, Sharing and Retweeting all our stuff.

MORE from us very soon.

In the meantime – here’s that rather lovely Bedtime Story … Enjoy!