Blimey – it’s April already.. and NO.. This is not an April Fool post… TheBruvs are fools all the time.. They don’t need a special day.
If you celebrated, hope Mother’s Day went well for you… and, of course, if you did any pranking.. hope your April Fools worked out.
We promised you NEW COMEDY and here it is… an all-new sketch on our Podcast site.. It’s longer than before.. and we hope better. We are looking to develop all the characters in TheBruvs in audio comedy and in our animations. So, we are trying to introduce new characters and let TheBruvs breathe a bit with more banter and conversation – and action.
So, here is : NAME AND RANK… In which our dynamic duo Doug and Den are in trouble with the law again … despite trying to mend their bad ways. They have a very close encounter with their nemesis Inspector Badger… Now, Insp Badger might bear a striking resemblance to the great Jack Regan .. a character in the classic Thames TV cop show The Sweeney. He was played by John Thaw – who went on to be Kavanagh QC, Morse and Mister Tom. Always grumpy as Regan, his sidekick was Sgt Carter played by Dennis Waterman.
We had a hoot doing this episode and we hope you enjoy it too. There will be more of Insp Badger in coming episodes and in future animations.
Meanwhile, we are hard at work on new audio and new cartoons… More new stuff from us soon..
Thanks as ever for all the support we receive. It is much appreciated. Please keep it up.. Like, Comment, Share and Pass It On… Spread the word on TheBruvs – comedy animation and sketch comedy…
And do please enjoy our latest – NAME AND RANK :
MORE from us soon…
Thanks as always … The Bruvs !!