Hello All –

As promised – it is here.. our rather special, special new film… Made using the very first, ever, anywhere, totally original storyboards for TheBruvs.. the very first ever designs and the template for what TheBruvs would look like and how they would move.

It has proved a bit ambitious for us so far to make as a full film. But we hope to. It’s all about Doug and Den trying to do Jason a favour and pull his wobbly tooth so he can get some cash from the Tooth Fairy. But TheBruvs are making money too – they’re filming it all for the home movie outtake show You’ve Been Maimed. What could possibly go wrong?

We are rather excited about this – we are easily aroused. So to speak. It is a bit different – and we hope you take to it. The episode is also available as a Podcast – sound only sketch – on our Podcast site.. links in the Music, Songs, Podcast section of our website.

New Podcast sketches and more music coming soon to that site. You might want to subscribe there too.

In the meantime – we are well under way with our next fully animated, full colour film… All very exciting. See. There we go again.

More musings and news soon too.

Please get stuck into our latest film – please SHARE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE – and generally TELL OTHER PEOPLE all about TheBruvs.

Thank you all – Enjoy! Not many! – TheBruvs

Here is that new film: