Hellooooooo – from The Bruvs HQ in the midst of a very seasonal August rain storm and high winds. Only one of which has something to do with a curry for lunch.
Hey – it’s a busy old time out there too, we know… Holiday season for many, exam results coming in… We hope for anyone getting results that they’re the results you need or wanted.
It’s a busy time at Bruvs HQ too…. Work continues on ALL NEW STUFF .. cartoons, scripts, podcasts and music .. BUT in the meantime we’re also crafting in quite rapid succession – Thick and Fast, you might say – our rather nice Combo Episodes, where we combine past films to give an impression of what The Bruvs would look like as more of a sitcom format in the style of the US juggernauts like Family Guy, Bojack, The Simpsons, American Dad and so on.
We think they’re coming together well and give a great sense of what potential The Bruvs has for longer, sitcom style content. We hope you agree. You can let us know by leaving a comment on our youtube – and even better, if you like what you see, SUBSCRIBE to our exclusive Youtube channel.
The most recent addition is not so much a juggernaut but certainly involves transport… Den’s beloved Porsche 911. Unfortunately, the tale of fast cars and fast action shows up just how often The Bruvs’ plans and best intentions go awry.
If you like fast cars, 70s cop shows, car chases and shows like The Sweeney or The Professionals this is right up your strasse. There’s also something for fans of DIY SOS and other makeover shows – and fights. Yes, really. So it’s all a bit Thick and Fast and Fast and The Furious.
Do have a watch.. check out all our new episodes and our old faves too. Do watch, leave a comment and SUBSCRIBE .. and remember you can join us on loads of other social platforms .. insta, twitter, facebook, soundcloud – all @TheBruvsTV.
Keep enjoying the summer… we hope you are.
CHECK OUT OUR NEW THING HERE… Til next time… The Bruvs